the mailerdemon striped my java file ;)

The fixed code snippet from is:

            } else {
                //single touch
                actions[0] = actionCode;
                ids[0] = event.getPointerId(0);
                touchXs[0] = (int)event.getX();
                touchYs[0] = (int)event.getY();                
            //System.out.println("Android original event = " + event);
            Platform.runLater(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    onMultiTouchEventNative(pcount, actions, ids, touchXs, 
            return true;

        public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(final KeyEvent event) {
            Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    onKeyEventNative(event.getAction(), event.getKeyCode(), 
            return true;


Am 17.10.2013 um 17:01 schrieb Matthias Hänel <>:

> Hi,
> I found the reason for the touch crashes on Android. It's a JNI threading 
> error in the
> current implementation. We have to enqueue the touch events into the javafx 
> dispatch thread.
> There is a workaround for this attached in the java source file at 
> dispatchTouchEvent 
> and dispatchKeyEvent. What is the best way to propose changes in the future?
> regards
> Matthias
> Am 15.10.2013 um 13:50 schrieb Matthias Hänel <>:
>> Hey Tomas,
>> I've seen a check-in for RT-32802. This seems to be your fix. There are a 
>> lot of interface changes.
>> Could you explain the changes a bit, so I can merge it by hand into my 
>> jfx678 code? Today, I merged
>> from Stefans b111 JFX78 but it will take a while to get your changes through 
>> this way ;)
>> regards
>> Matthias
>> Am 14.10.2013 um 14:31 schrieb tomas.brandalik <>:
>>> Hi Matthias,
>>> cool, I'm surprised you we're able to run it on emulator. I run on device 
>>> not on emulator for a long time. There wasn't  opengl extension 
>>> GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 in emulator. But that could have changed 
>>> overtime.
>>> Regarding events: yes there seems to be a problem which I haven't 
>>> discovered. I've pushed multitouch support and broke touch events on 
>>> dalvik. I will fix that soon.
>>> In order to replace t2k there is freetype library for fonts and glyphs 
>>> access and harfbuzz for layouting available among system libraries.  
>>> Although google discourages to use them since they aren't part of public 
>>> api. It can bring all sorts of compatibility problems (harfbuzz 
>>> implementation has changed in recent android releases for example). Yes try 
>>> pango if you have time to spare and share results please.
>>> good luck
>>> -Tomas
>>> On 10/14/2013 01:45 PM, Matthias Hänel wrote:
>>>> Hi Tomas,
>>>> never mind, I found the problem over here in the simulator ;) I had to 
>>>> activate the GPU support.
>>>> So, now I had to BGRA image format for Android and now I get JFX up and 
>>>> running without fonts.
>>>> There are two things missing:
>>>> 1. fonts        - here we probably need to get pango working for Android 
>>>> right?
>>>> 2. touch events - I saw that you have got a special Android proxy for the 
>>>> input stuff 
>>>> Java_com_oracle_dalvik_FXActivity_00024InternalSurfaceView_onTouchEventNative
>>>> This seems to crash for some reason. any idea? It's not that complicated 
>>>> but it is producing a stack trace.
>>>> After fixing the touch events Brickbreaker with Niklas' no-font-patch 
>>>> should work. I'd pleased to test this.
>>>> kind regards
>>>> Matthias
>>>> Am 14.10.2013 um 12:17 schrieb Matthias Hänel <>:
>>>>> Hi Tomas,
>>>>> since Tobi told me he had a similiar problem in the first place with the 
>>>>> iOS port and he managed to run JFX8 without font.
>>>>> We deactivated fonts. There is some code to deactivate and after that it 
>>>>> looks like it is starting the JFX-Application.
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.529: INFO/GLASS(1546): glass_view_drawBegin
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.529: INFO/javafx(1546): Using getAndroidNativeWindow() 
>>>>> from glass.
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.579: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.579: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.579: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.579: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.579: ERROR/javafx(1546): Some video driver error or 
>>>>> programming error occurred. Framebuffer object status is invalid. (FBO - 
>>>>> 823)
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.579: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.579: ERROR/javafx(1546): Error creating framebuffer object 
>>>>> with TexID 1)
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.599: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.649: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.649: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.649: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.649: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.649: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.649: ERROR/libEGL(1546): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.659: WARN/System.err(1546): 
>>>>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.669: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.669: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1546): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 330K, 10% 
>>>>> free 4129K/4564K, paused 32ms, total 32ms
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2ResourceFactory.createStockShader(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.impl.BaseContext.validateClearOp(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.709: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Graphics.clear(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.719: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.719: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.719: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.719: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.Executors$
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.729: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.729: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.729: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.729: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.729: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.729: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.729: WARN/System.err(1546): Caused by: 
>>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Error creating vertex shader
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.740: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Shader.createFromSource(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.740: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Shader.createFromSource(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.740: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2ResourceFactory.createShader(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.749: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.shader.Texture_Color_Loader.loadShader(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.749: WARN/System.err(1546): ... 19 more
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.749: WARN/System.err(1546): java.lang.InternalError: Error 
>>>>> loading stock shader Texture_Color
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.749: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2ResourceFactory.createStockShader(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.759: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.759: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.769: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.769: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.769: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.impl.BaseContext.validateClearOp(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.769: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Graphics.clear(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.769: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.769: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.Executors$
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: WARN/System.err(1546): at 
>>>>> 10-14 06:06:49.779: INFO/GLASS(1546): glass_view_drawEnd
>>>>> I track the error down to, compileShader in on line 130. 
>>>>> This is returning 0 from native code.
>>>>> The native codes looks okay for me and the Android Simulator is supposed 
>>>>> to emulate OpenGL ES 2.0 correclty, so I am not sure
>>>>> why the compileShader returns 0...
>>>>>   int vertexShaderID = glCtx.compileShader(vert, true);
>>>>>      if (vertexShaderID == 0) {
>>>>>          throw new RuntimeException("Error creating vertex shader"); 
>>>>> //<<--- this Exception occours.
>>>>>      }
>>>>> I know this is the common error from the shader compiler, but this should 
>>>>> have worked for you,
>>>>> when you started your own application. Do you have a hint, what I could 
>>>>> have been done wrong?
>>>>> I assume right now that the native build is correctly, since it is called 
>>>>> from java and it does
>>>>> return the correct EGLContext. This assumption might be wrong.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Matthias
>>>>> Am 12.10.2013 um 14:04 schrieb Tomas Brandalik 
>>>>> <>:
>>>>>> I think that PlatformLogger initialization in CssHelper was causing 
>>>>>> problems. I had to write one. Not 100% sure though I will look at it 
>>>>>> when I'm back in the office. (Or you can comment out css processing in 
>>>>>> the node.) I was able to run without font then.
>>>>>> -Tomas
>>>>>> On 10/11/2013 06:22 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
>>>>>>> On 11.10.13 18:10, Matthias Hänel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Tomas,
>>>>>>>> today, I took the time to investigate a little more time on this.
>>>>>>>> 1. I build an entirely new openjfx78 build for android
>>>>>>>> 2. starting this gave me several errors that lead me to the
>>>>>>>> conclusion that I need a java6 openjfx
>>>>>>>> 3. based on openjfx78 I ported it back to java6 (adapted gradled 
>>>>>>>> scripts, and tons of java source code)
>>>>>>>> 4. Now it's almost running on an 18th android. All libraries are 
>>>>>>>> firing up until the CssStyleHelper
>>>>>>>> is called with a static call to createStyleHelper.
>>>>>>>> That looks like the font stuff is not in jfx78. That's why "new Font" 
>>>>>>>> returns with null and therefore
>>>>>>> On OS-X font stuff is definately there in jfx78, but the low-level font
>>>>>>> stuff is loaded using reflection (at least this was the cause on 
>>>>>>> robovm)!
>>>>>>> Tom

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