Thanks for all the help, you've given me a lot of helpful tips. I already was 
working on a popup based version and I see you ran into the same problems as I 
did (initial popup had no width for the circularPane, etc), the difference is 
that I bind the menu to Stage, since I do not envision CirclePopupMenu as a 
context menu to a specific node. It could of course... Uncertain about that.

Anyhow, the only remaining problem is hiding when the mouse exits. Stage does 
not send the mouse events to addEventFilter. The node.addEventFilter does not 
solve that and on scene I'm not getting the events either. But I like the way 
it is going.



On 2014-6-10 16:26, Tomas Mikula wrote:
Here it is, using a Popup:

The nice thing about popup window is that it can extend beyond the
bounds of the owner window.
Just let me know if transparency works for you as expected. Some time
ago transparency stopped working on my system and I didn't care to
find out why, so my Popup has white background instead of transparent,
but should be transparent on a healthy system.

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Tomas Mikula <> wrote:
Just because I wanted to make minimal changes to your code, which was
already using StackPane. Yes, Popup would remove the need for a

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Tom Eugelink <> wrote:
You're way ahead of me. Why use stackpane and not popup as suggested?
Wouldn't Popup remove the need for a stackpane?


On 2014-6-10 15:38, Tomas Mikula wrote:
Since talk is cheap, I slightly reworked your code (not using
PopupWindow) and it seems to work.



Main points:
* No "canvas" pane used, CircularPane is added directly to the stack pane.
* CircularPane is added as the last child to the stack pane in order
to be on top.
* CircularPane is an "unmanaged" child of the stack pane, in order to
allow custom positioning (at mouse pointer)
* Since setPickOnBounds(false) causes the mouse exit the circular pane
as soon as it opens, there's slightly more logic to hide the menu
instead of just listening to MOUSE_EXITED events:

      stackPane.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED, e -> {
         if(isShown()) {
             Bounds localBounds = circularPane.getBoundsInLocal();
             Bounds screenBounds = circularPane.localToScreen(localBounds);
             if(!screenBounds.contains(e.getScreenX(), e.getScreenY())) {


On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Tomas Mikula <>
What about using Popup, which is a subclass of PopupWindow? You just need
populate its content


and then show it at the right position, relative to any node, x, y);


On Jun 10, 2014 8:49 AM, "Tom Eugelink" <> wrote:

Looking at PopupWindow; that is an abstract class and I'm not finding
examples on how to use it. Maybe extending PopupControl would be a

Been looking at the ContextMenu source code (which is extending
PopupControl), but it is somewhat mysterious how those MenuItems get
rendered. I would expect maybe a skin, but I'm not finding it.

On 2014-6-9 13:48, Tomas Mikula wrote:
Hi Tom,

I am in favor of the menu being a PopupWindow, but alternatively,
could your "canvas" be a Group instead of a Pane?

The code would look like this:

       StackPane stack = new StackPane();

       Group canvas = new Group();

       stack.setOnMousePressed(e -> {
           // layout in the top left corner of the stack pane



On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Tom Eugelink <> wrote:
But a PopupWindow would be detached from the pane? Not sure if that is
I envision, but I'll give it a go and see what it looks like.

Your event filter does work though for what I need now.


On 2014-6-9 10:41, Martin Sladecek wrote:
Oh, I see. So it's not a PopupWindow at all.
Events can pass only though parent-child hierarchy, so you can't
Event in your "circular menu" pane and then pass it to some other
of the parent StackPane. The menu pane would have to be parent of the
controls in the StackPane.
So again, you'd need RT-20184 to determine the target again by
making the menu pane mouse transparent, doing Scene.pick and then
redirecting the Event by Event.fireEvent().

But I think reworking you menu to be a PopupWindow should work. The
transparent areas in the circular menu should pass mouse events to
underlying window.


On 06/09/2014 10:20 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:

Or to see in in action with a single java -jar statement, download
samples from.

On 2014-6-9 10:13, Martin Sladecek wrote:
OK, so to avoid further confusion, you have a PopupWindow with a
and you want to capture Events on the Pane and sent those events to
underlying controls (in a parent window) if those events are not
relevant to
that popup?


On 06/09/2014 10:07 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:

Hm, maybe I chose bad words; I'm not using Canvas, but just a
Since the Pane is only used to draw the menu on when it need to
appear, I'm
calling it the canvas pane, as in "what is painted on".

On 2014-6-9 9:46, Martin Sladecek wrote:
Just looked at the code and it seems Canvas does pick on bounds
independently of the pickOnBounds value. There's currently no
picking only when over an opaque pixel ( worth filing a JIRA
This makes Canvas to consume everything as it's always picked
instead of
some controls underneath.

Unfortunately, I can't think of any solution that would work
now. If we'd support Node picking
(, it would be
possible to
"redirect" an unwanted event to a different event target on that


On 06/09/2014 08:44 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:

Yessss. It does not work on the canvas pane, I suspect because
pickOnBounds, but it does work on the stackpane. Plus, I can
register to the
stack pane without claiming the onMouseClick/Press hook.

Many thanks!


On 2014-6-9 8:29, Martin Sladecek wrote:
Hi Tom,
have you tried .addEventFilter() method? It receives the Event
before the controls underneath the canvas, in the capturing
phase. If you
don't consume the Event, it should pass down to the controls.
For more on the topic, see or


On 06/09/2014 08:19 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
Hi all,

Maybe someone has solved this already, so I thought I pop the
question. Currently I'm working on CirclePopupMenu; a menu
is supposed
to pop up on any place in a scene when a certain (usually the
middle or
right) mouse button is pressed.

Right now CirclePopupMenu requires a stackpane to which it
itself. CirclePopupMenu initially places an empty "canvas"
on the stack
pane, and will use that to render and position the menu when
needs to

Also I need to monitor the mouse to detect if the menu should
appear. In order to do that, I would like to use that canvas
pane, but then
any non relevant button clicks will not reach the underlying
controls. In
order to enable correct behavior I need to
setPickOnBounds(false) on the
pane, but then it does receive the mouse events anymore.

Is there any way to monitor mouse events but still pass them
through to the underlying controls? In Swing I did something
similar and
used a system level mouse event hook.


PS: I'm not certain if the stackpane approach I've used is the
way to do this. It does work expect the mouse button problem.
But any
suggestions are welcome.

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