On 13.11.2019 19:50, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> On 11/13/2019 9:42 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> Will come up with a short reproducible testcase in ooRexx with brief 
>> comments such that the testcase
>> could be understood without the runtime (ooRexx reads almost like 
>> pseudo-code).
>> To reproduce the testcase one would need ooRexx and the Java bridge 
>> BSF4ooRexx (all opensource) for
>> which I could come up with a zip-archive (assuming binaries within should be 
>> 64-bit) and a script to
>> set up the environment either for Windows, Linux or MacOS, whatever you 
>> advise. Would that be o.k.?
> We prefer not to rely on third-party libraries for test cases. In any case we 
> would not be able to
> use that for a regression test / unit test. 

Yes, this is understandable.

> How hard to you think it would be to use NashornScriptEngine for a test case?

Probably impossible. Have researched NashornScriptEngine a little bit for a 
couple of hours now in
order to assess it with respect to writing a testcase to demonstrate the 

According to [1] the implementation has some Nashorn specific uses with respect 
Bindings like: 

- "... The default context's ENGINE_SCOPE is a wrapped instance of ECMAScript 
"global" object -
which is the "this" in top level script expressions. ..."

- "...  Please note that the context's GLOBAL_SCOPE Bindings and nashorn global 
object are
different. Nashorn's global object is associated with ENGINE_SCOPE and not with 
GLOBAL_SCOPE object of default script context is a javax.script.SimpleBindings 
instance. ..."

- "... If you create a new ScriptContext object and use it to evaluate scripts, 
that context has to be associated with a nashorn Global object somehow - or 
else script execution is
not possible with that context - this is because evaluated script expects 
standard ECMAScript global
builtins always. ..."

- "... But, user can supply any ScriptContext implementation containing any 
Bindings object as
ENGINE_SCOPE, nashorn engine cannot always assume ENGINE_SCOPE Bindings to be 
backed by a nashorn
Global instance. Nashorn engine checks if ENGINE_SCOPE of the ScriptContext is 
backed by a Nashorn
Global object or not. If not, it creates a fresh Bindings backed by a nashorn 
Global instance and
associates the same with the ENGINE_SCOPE that the user provided. ..."

- "... Limitations/Known issues / While nashorn attempts to give a seamless 
illusion of
ScriptObjectMirrors and JSObjects, not every operation and script API (JSON, 
Array, Function's
properties/functions) treats ScriptObjectMirror and 
uniformly. There are places where ScriptObjects work as expected but if you 
pass ScriptObjectMirror
or your own JSObject implementation, it won't work as expected. ..."

[2] states: "Summary: Nashorn uses javax.script.filename uses as "source name" 
of the generated
class *only* for engine.eval calls. For "load", it uses the  URL/file name of 
the loaded script as
"source name". As for  javax.script.filename variable, Nashorn never sets - 
only uses it."

In addition [3] indicates that scripts themselves should not get access to 
Indeed, adding the entry ScriptEngine.FILENAME to the NashornScriptEngine 
Bindings (which will be of type "jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ScriptObjectMirror") 
will not leave that
entry in the Bindings.

Also, invoking a Javascript script stored in a file via ScriptEngine.eval() 
does not make the
arguments (entry ScriptEngine.ARGV) available to the invoked Javascript script 
"arguments.length" will return 0), e.g. in the following testscript.js:

   print( "hi, this is from 'testargs.js', arguments.length="+arguments.length);
   print( "arguments.length: " + arguments.length );
   print( "---")
   func1 ( "uno", "deux", 3);

   function func1(a, b, c) {
       print( "--> func1(a, b, c) - arguments.length: " + arguments.length );
       print( "\ta: "+ a + " / arguments[0]: " + arguments[0] );
       print( "\tb: "+ b + " / arguments[1]: " + arguments[1] );
       print( "\tc: "+ c + " / arguments[2]: " + arguments[2] );

Doing a ScriptEngine.eval() with the ENGINE_SCOPE Bindings possessing the 
argument entry by the name
of ScriptEngine.ARGV will yield the following output in this case:

   hi, this is from 'testargs.js', arguments.length=0
   arguments.length: 0
   --> func1(a, b, c) - arguments.length: 3
           a: uno / arguments[0]: uno
           b: deux / arguments[1]: deux
           c: 3 / arguments[2]: 3

[1] Sundararajan A., "Nashorn jsr223 engine notes":

[2] Sundararajan A., "Nashorn, javax.script.filename, and load()":

[3] "JDK-8050432 : javax.script.filename variable should not be enumerable with 
nashorn engine's
ENGINE_SCOPE bindings": 

[4] Oracle, "Java Platform, Standard Edition Nashorn User's Guide":


So concluding that the NashornScriptEngine will not be an implementation that 
could be used to
create a testcase to demonstrate the problem and to create a testunit, because 
of its specific
implementation that

   a) swallows the ScriptEngine.FILENAME
 entry and

   b) does not honor the ScriptEngine.ARGV (cf.

Would you have other suggestions for scripting engines that you think could be 
used instead, such
that I can take a look at its implementation and try to create a testcase with 


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