Hello Johannes,

On 06/21/2016 05:58 PM, Carsten Neumann wrote:
> On 2016-06-18 03:23, Johannes wrote:
>> Maybe it is a problem that only shows up on windows? However, I do have
>> the problem on on different computer with differing windows versions as
>> well as differing graphic platforms (NVIDIA and AMD). I think that it
>> must somehow be related to the cube map that is used in the example. But
>> this guesswork and not very profound.
> The HDR background image seems the biggest difference in the pictures
> you sent and what I had tried to run.
> I'll try to run it on linux with an HDR background image tomorrow and
> see if it reproduces - somehow it seems unlikely to me that it is
> OS/platform related since most of the code involved here is platform
> independent.

ok, using the HDR background image I can reproduce the problem on linux. 
If I modify the tonemapping example to not create the scene on startup 
(i.e. remove the call to setupScene() from Example::initialize() and 
instead add the following to the switch in Example::keyboard():

case '1':
             std::cout << "Loading scene... " << std::flush;
             std::cout << "done." << std::endl;

Pressing '1' at runtime creates the scene and then it looks as expected. 
Not sure what to make of this finding.

I've spent some time looking at the OpenGL calls made as captured by 
apitrace. I compared what happens on a frame before the resize and the 
one where the resize happens. The only differences I could find  were 
the expected resize operations on the various textures.
I don't know what debugging attempts you have made so far, my basic 
approach with the above has been to attempt to find what differences in 
OpenGL calls there are before/after the first resize and (assuming those 
can be found) work backwards from there to find where in OpenSG they 
originate. Perhaps this gives you some ideas on things to try as well. I 
may be able to look some more early next week.


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