Jim Grisanzio wrote:
I think CDDL has clearly solved several issues for OpenSolaris, and it's offered new opportunities as well

If GPLv3 had been available when OpenSolaris was being launched, and
it would have provided for closed-bin, closed drivers and the like,
I'm sure we would have gone with it instead of inventing CDDL.

At this point (almost 2 years into the project), I don't see the value
to OpenSolaris in dual-licensing.  It does not appear that GPLv3 offers
anything that CDDL doesn't already provide - that is, other than an
opportunity to confuse and divide the community.

There is a fundamental difference between the philosophies behind
the FSF's GNU efforts and that of Sun's CDDL.  This difference is
bound to make the combination of the two licenses difficult:

  CDDL is aimed at allowing the aggregation of its components with
  others that have different licensing provisions.

  GPL, on the other hand, is aimed at forcing the world to adopt the
  FSF's "Free" philosophy, and to discourage "non-free" software in
  all forms.

As Dennis, Casper and others have said:  What is the problem that
dual licensing is trying to solve?

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