Erast Benson wrote:
On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 09:57 -0800, John Plocher wrote:
As Dennis, Casper and others have said:  What is the problem that
dual licensing is trying to solve?

one little problem... to become a major OSS community out there.

And today, after 1.5 year of our existence we are still a minority
(community-wise), and unfortunately, this is true. Just open b56
changelog and try to find how many people outside of Sun contributed to
it to happen? None or one! And I bet Sun would like to increase outside
contribution too but with CDDL alone it is just not possible in
foreseeable future. People afraid to contribute to CDDL projects for
variety of reasons, look how cdrecord has been forked to be pure GPL
project just because of that.

Do you actually have proof that there are people who will contribute to OpenSolaris code that is currently under the CDDL if it is dual-licensed or single licensed under GPLv3 ?

Or is this assumption based on the behaviour of the case you site ?

If there is proof I'd love to see it because it seems that nobody on either side of this debate (I see at least a triangle: CDDL only / dual CDDL and GPLv3 / GPLv3 only) [ me included!! ] actually has any evidence only opinions about what might happen.

Darren J Moffat
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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