>Erast Benson wrote:
>>> To me personally, the CDDL is a great license that accurately conveys
>>> the zeitgiest of the OpenSolaris community.  In my opinion, dual licensing
>>> doesn't solve the problems that we do have (e.g., lowering the barriers to
>>> non-Sun contributions), while giving us a bunch of new problems that we
>>> _don't_ have (e.g. license-based forks that become unresolvable).
>> this is something I hope Sun lawyers could resolve.
>Unlikely.  Until there is case law to quote, it's very difficult for a 
>lawyer to say anything definitive.

In fact, the suggestion of non-removable dual licensing does not
work; it means there's a single license but you only need to
abide by half the terms (and both bits need to stipulate that the
entire license is to be retained).

That's not what dual licensing is...

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