Erast Benson wrote:

>>Then allow me to add a data point:  the CDDL was a -- and perhaps the --
>>major reason that Apple went ahead with a DTrace port (and apparently a ZFS
>>port as well) to Leopard.  Apple told us in no uncertain terms that
>>the GPL would have been a non-starter.  Does that mean that a dual license
>>would have also been a non-starter?  Hard to say -- but one can absolutely
>>say that (1) the CDDL was critical to Apple's adoption, and that (2) Apple's
>>adoption of OpenSolaris technology has been hugely validating for
>i'm not sure this data point applicable. Apple is just another company,
>not a community. 

You miss the point, someone (anyone, individual, company, whatever) has
seen the value in a piece of open source Solaris code and taken it on
board.  They will modify it, expose it to a wider audience, extol its
virtues and hopefully even improve it and we will see the benefit. 
Isn't that what this 'community' wants?


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