On Dec 2, 2007 6:30 PM, W. Wayne Liauh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Broken, Broken, Broken, Broken, . . . ."
> Now I know why I am so compellingly addicted to Solaris.  Kudos Sun's
> management for their willingness to take such bold actions, undoubtedly
> accompanied by tons of well-oxidized midnight oil, that will finally take
> Solaris to world dominance, or even world ubiquitance.
Maybe I am a bit the devil's advocate here and I never bothered with Indiana
to start with but... Indiana is  not Solaris or THE SXCE binary outcome
(hence the long lasting discussions that were around when people made more
or less the statement that Indiana was "the" binary distribution outcome
derived from the Opensolaris community work)..Therefor whatever you'd expect
to work in SXCE or Solaris 10 or future 11 and isn't working in Indiana
doesn't have to get the stamp 'broken'. It's only broken if the result is
different from what you should expect of Indiana. In my opinion it has been
made very loud and clear that the packaging system of Indiana is different
from that of SXCE and Solaris. Or maybe I should do more about life and less
about IRC and fora. As for scripts, it has been wildely established as well
that PATHs and directories where binaries reside is a bit off from what you
can expect from a Solaris binary distribution or SXCE.

So yes, if you want everything to work as in your binary Solaris
distribution and/or SXCE, stick with them.

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