On Dec 2, 2007 7:03 PM, Patrick Ale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Is Sun even sure it's self what will do what and what will replace what? I
just get an email from somebody of this list saying Indiana will replace
SXCE and will be the basis for Solaris 11. Which is ff-ing funny since
people who work at Sun (and highly placed functions) assured me less than
four weeks ago that SXCE would stay around, that they needed the community
to do what they are doing now and how they cant do things with out them and
that SXCE would be the basis for Solaris 11 and Indiana was merrely a
product derived from SXCE.

If Indiana is going to substitute SXCE, then I'd be very very bitter, so to
say. Not only cause it'd mean heaps of people working on SXCE who worked
their ass of to make a stable product with features we should all cheer
about have been being used to make a Linux-like distro but also (from what I
can read on fora and IRC0 what they stand for is totally voided by this
decision. Again, if it's true that Indiana will replace SXCE.


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