Joerg Schilling wrote:
>> PSARC discussions happen ONLY in the context of the product/release under
>> for which the product is "ARC'ed".
>> Your "compare" is NOT part of that product; nor is there even an ARC
>> case proposing it.
>> Your "compare" does not exist in the context of the product "Solaris".
>> It is therefor *completely* irrelevant to a PSARC discussion.
> Collaboration happens in the community.
    Collaboration also needs to happen in reasonable context.
   It seems your argument is that your compare exist before hand, 
therefore it
  can not be used. This is more like a trademark game. The OpenSolaris
  community can not afford to search every single binary existed out 
there before
  it is decided what it is called. It is simply too costly for ARC and 
> If you are a member of the OpenSolaris community, you should try 
> to collaborate.
> This is a case to see whether there is collaboration or domination!
   This is NOT a case of collaboration or domination. Imagemagik was not
developed within Sun, it is from the Imagamagik community, you can blame
the Imagemagik community being dominant. 
  You can only blame Sun's engineers being dominant when you submit your
ARC case for your product into OpenSolaris integration and negotiate 
with to the
module owner of imagemagik to move its installed location when he 
refuses to
consider your plea.

 Until such thing happens, you are trying to be dominant.

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