On Dec 14, 2007, at 9:44 AM, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> Why should I rename that exists in the public for a long time just  
> because
> some uncooperative people reused the name?

It's really irritating that ImageMagick grabbed command-line namespace  
this way.  It's worse than you think, Jörg: "convert" and "identify"  
are also ImageMagick commands.  The trouble is that they seem to have  
got away with it; for example, my blog-publishing system uses  
"convert" to wrangle pictures around, and it runs successfully on a  
huge number of different systems.  There are a huge number of  
ImageMagick users; of the three command-line image wranglers (there  
are also gd, and the pbm family) it produces by far the best-quality  

So, it's reasonable to be irritated about this land-grab, but I'm  
afraid they have you outnumbered.  -Tim

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