On 2010-08-15 14:01, Glen Canaday wrote:
This does sound much better than the previous way of doing things - more
open and closer to the Bazaar, etc., but I want to ask how it came
about. What was the impetus? Is this a direct result of Phil's return to
more active involvement with LL in general? Is it simply the desire of
the devs added to opportunity and freedom thus made into reality?

As a general rule I don't want to spend list time/space discussing internal LL decision making processes, but for this one I'll be happy to make a limited exception.

This change in how we do viewer development is a result of taking a good hard self-critical look at what was working and what wasn't, and trying to find a better way. It was clear that:

   * Viewer 2 would have benefited from earlier exposure to residents
     so that we got feedback.
   * We were not able to import as much good work from open source as
     we want using the two-viewer model.
   * Having multiple large features all trying to get into one
     integration stream to create 'big bang' releases creates delays.
   * Doing short cycle scrum-driven development worked well.
   * Distributed version control (hg vs svn) worked well.

The leaders of the new Snowstorm team collectively took those and other factors and proposed the new structure. Obviously, that proposal was adopted. Details of how the discussions went are not really important. You've all seen the one-slide strategic imperatives that we've adopted, and Snowstorm is designed to fit them.

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