Hi J-S,

I think calling the following might be what you are looking for to 
narrow down the source of your error.


where pState is a pointer to the osg::State.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
> Hello Robert,
> I remember you mentioning a way (in OSG) to find out the source of the message
> Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid value' after RenderBin::draw(,)
> sometime in the past, but can't find the post just now. I recall it  
> having to do with setting something in a stateset to get explicit  
> debug messages printed which would help find the source of the  
> message...
> I'm getting this when updating a vertex attribute array, and I was  
> hoping there was a way to eliminate it, because my geometry also  
> disappears when it happens, which leads to flashing (as I'm updating  
> attributes in a loop, and the message seems to pop up once in  
> approximately 10 attributes updated).
> Thanks in advance for any advice on how to debug this situation.
> J-S

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