
I hit the same problem with code ported from 1.2 to 2.0, and to trace it
I used gDebugger ( the trial ) and set breakpoints to OpenGL errors.

In my case it turned out to be using osg::Program without any shaders
for some parts of the scene.
I'll try this way also, see if it confirms the gDebbugger results.

I also found some more debugger programs, not as advanced as gDebugger,
but with some interesting features for shader debugging:
http://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/shadesmith/ this one has very
powerful visualization options for shader variables, but they mention
that to debug it has to create it's own context, leaving me with a bit
of a problem as to how to implement it ( although if anybody can hook it
up to an osg app, then it could be used for ANY osg app )


Cole, Charles E. (LARC-B702)[GENEX SYSTEMS] wrote:
> This was Robert's response to a similar situation:
> --->
> Its likely that some OpenGL state you are setting isn't supported on
> your hardware.  The big question is what OpenGL features are causing
> this problem.  You could enable finer grained checking for OpenGL errros
> via osg::State::setCheckForGLErrors(osg:State::ONCE_PER_ATTRIBUTE);
> Or enable by tweaking the State constructor in src/osg/State.cpp.
> You'll see a block:
> #if 1
>     _checkGLErrors = ONCE_PER_FRAME;
> #else
>     _checkGLErrors = ONCE_PER_ATTRIBUTE; #endif
> Just change the #if 1 to #if 0.
> This might give you a bit more info.
> Robert.
> <---
> chuck
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