> In a simulator you don't have generally static views & 
> scenes, and you absolutely have to hit vsync, no frame drops 
> or the suspension of disbelief is broken.
> Assuming that starting and stopping a sim visual update on 
> demand is OK is very bad assumption, things like usleep and 
> similiar tricks aren't at all reliable enough, as soon as you 
> hand over responsibility for frame scheduling to something 
> else that is schedule by the operating system or ever work 
> windowing toolkit you have given any hope of determinism, you 
> are in the lap of the gods whether you hit frame or not.
> Not to mention all the other issues associated with paging, 
> animations and physics simulations...

In a dedicated flight sim, I tend to agree with you. Go ahead and let it
continuously redraw the scene, even if it is static -- the processor isn't
used for anything else anyway. But for any type of desktop/PC rendering
application, users expect the CPU to be free for other tasks when they pause
or stop the animation.

In my experience, dedicated rendering loops have actually generated end-user
bug reports, claiming the CPU was occupied even when they had stopped the
animation. After I modified the app to only render when needed, never once
did I receive a single bug report along the lines of "this wrecked my
suspension of disbelief".

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