Hello Bob and Paul,

>  * The reference manual, as it stands today, contains some nice
> supplementary material, but in essence it's Doxygen output from the source
> code. We could beef up the source code comments for classes and functions,
> and contribute this back to osg-submissions. This would improve future
> versions of the ref man. This is a big job and seems worthwhile only if we
> focus our efforts on stable functionality.

I'm always in favor of improving the existing online documentation, so  
this is a good idea. Some classes are particularly stark, and  
sometimes it's not clear whether there are preconditions or particular  
formats for variables. You have to kind of try it, and hopefully your  
intuition will be right...

Even for some straight OpenGL things (I was looking at  
osg::PolygonOffset lately, so that one jumps to mind), the arguments  
and units could be documented and typical usage could be discussed...  
Some things are obscure even in OpenGL's documentation.

>  * The existing ref man documents osg, osgDB, and osgUtil. We could expand
> this series to include similar reference material for things like the
> NodeKits (osgText, osgSim, osgParticle), using OSG in windowing systems
> (osgViewer, osgManipulator, osgGA), etc.

The latter would be great. I haven't used the former 3 nodekits much  
(yet - apart from the occasional text) so I couldn't say personally if  
I'd find them useful or not.

>  * We could spend time writing short whitepapers on various OSG topics,
> similar to Don's useful document on reference-counted memory. We could sell
> these as PDFs for a couple dollars a pop or something, depending on scope.
> Possible topics would include rendering order with RenderBins, deriving your
> own Nodes, Drawables, or StateAttributes, platform-specific topics,
> resolving build and installation issues, using the Geometry class,
> performance issues, etc etc, the list is essentially endless.

As JD mentioned, I think that's a good idea as well. The time required  
for each document would be relatively small, but the focused approach  
means that new users will probably be more inclined to read the ones  
that interest them rather than pour over a huge programming guide.

I'll see if I can think of other things, but this should keep you  
occupied for the better part of the next century don't you think? :-)

Good work, keep it up.

Jean-Sebastien Guay     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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