Hi J-S,

On Jan 16, 2008 12:11 AM, Jean-Sebastien Guay
> > Yes, the gaps between tiles of different levels is usual right now.
> > The --terrain feature is very new to VPB, its not yet productive ready
> > so one would expect little items to not work 100%.  It'll be working
> > fully pretty soon though ;-)
> It's not just different levels though - all tiles seem to have black borders.
> Even when I'm zoomed all the way in and all tiles are at the highest LOD, 
> there
> are still those black lines.

O.K. this isn't the lack of skirts then.

> And I totally understand about --terrain. Without knowing the details, I'd say
> that faster generation is always welcome! I'm just giving feedback to make 
> sure
> it's not something in my setup or something platform-specific.

Feedback is useful, especially when it uncovers problems that I not
able to reproduce myself which does seem to be the case here.

A black line around the border suggests either a source texture,
texture coordinate issue or normal generation issue.  The later two
possibilities would be related to the core OSG, the first would be an
osgdem issue.  Could you package up you model again and make it
available for download so I can at least discount/confirm the source
texture as being at fault.


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