I don't want to start a discussion about editors, but I indeed missed
the syntax highlighting for osg headers...
For vim you can fix it by adding the following line to your .vimrc (the
osg includes start with '/* -*-c++-*-')
     au BufRead * if getline(1) =~ '-\*-c++-\*-' | setlocal filetype=cpp
| endif
Hope it helps sombody,


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul
        Sent: dinsdag 8 april 2008 21:49
        To: 'OpenSceneGraph Users'
        Subject: Re: [osg-users] why arent the ".h" postfix used in
        I agree that a "C++ IDE" should do the right thing for
extensionless files and assume they are C++ -- especially in the case
where they are listed as headers in the currently open project, for
crying out loud :-). However, C++ IDEs aren't the only problem...
        Consider any one of dozens of general purpose text editors with
support for source code syntax highlighting, which someone might use not
just for editing extensionless headers, but also for editing raw text
files with extensionless names like "readme," "passwd," and "mnttab".
Obviously I don't want C++ syntax highlighting in just any old file that
happens to not have an extension. Files with extensionless names have
existed long before C++, and many are still around today that have
nothing to do with C++. It was a mistake for C++ to try to claim
extensionless files as their own, a mistake that currently plagues us on
this list in the form of quarterly discussions on the subject.
        Although adding ".h" extensions to OSG headers would go a long
way towards eliminating this regular discussion topic, I'm certainly not
calling for a change: I'm an old timer, who grew up writing code with
black teletype text on rolls of white paper and punched cards (later,
green CRT text on a black background), so I could care less whether
syntax highlighting is available. Besides, as we all know, changing the
headers to use .h is well-nigh impossible at this point, it would
completely alienate the existing user base. However, I think lacking the
".h" extension is a mistake that I would rectify, were I to write a
next-generation scene graph.


                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
                Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 12:58 PM
                To: OpenSceneGraph Users
                Subject: Re: [osg-users] why arent the ".h" postfix used
in openscenegraph?
                On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Paul Martz

                        As others have stated, the compiler doesn't care
about the header extension and enforces no "standard" extension.
Therefore, those of us in OSG can do whatever we want. Indeed, the
osgPlugins routinely use a ".h" extension for their header files. The
absence of an extension creates problems for code editors that present
non-intuitive interfaces for controlling syntax highlighting. Appending
".h" to OSG headers would eliminate this confusion. 

                There is a key difference between plugins and the
includes is that plugins are not at all public so consistency is less
critical, where as the include directories are the public face to the
library so that everything has to be consistent, and in the OSG case its
consistent with Standard C++ headers.  
                As for using .h for telling editors that its a C++
file... well some editors interpret it as C file and apply different
syntax highlighting than they do if its a C++ file.  This is the reason
why so many silly extensions for C++ files came into existence.
Frankly if a modern C++ IDE doesn't interpret an extension header as C++
then its pretty dumb as the standard library itself has extensionless
headers, one really has to question how well it supports Standard C++ if
doesn't properly handle this basic fact of C++.

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