Robert Osfield wrote on Wednesday 07 May 2008:

> 2008/5/5 ümit uzun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >  I have an aircraft. I resize it and add scene on the
> > earth but it get invisible when I resized much smaller
> > like that,

> you'll need to make sure you use 
> glFog/osg::Fog on the terrain to make sure that you can
> only see up to a set maximum distanace.

Hi Ümit,

if you manage to get this osg::Fog working for you, would 
you post your solution ? Because it's something I'd need 
too for zSim.


there is no example about osg::Fog, only help are the 
include files ... tough. Can you point to some simple 
implementation, for a small (some meters) model in a BIG 
scenery (several km), and with a fog starting at say 10km, 
fully opaque at 20km ?

Thanks & bye-bye




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