
On Wednesday 04 June 2008 11:35, Robert Osfield wrote:
> I really can't help much with your invalid iterator.  It could be
> unrelated to the bug fix already checked in w.r.t bounding volume
> update, or it could be already fixed.
> The SVN and 2.5.1 contain a number of fixes so I'd recommend try
> updating the OSG before you do anything else as chasing an already
> fixed problem is not a good use of any of our time.

Did you ever try compiling under linux using the _GLIBCXX_DEBUG define?
g++ also has some checks for valid iterator usage and such. This is basically 
about the same what you get with stlports debug stuff or microsofts cl's 
debug builds.

This might help to find sometimes surprisingly hidden invalid stl usage ...



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