2008/12/5 Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Simon Hammett schrieb:
>> 2008/12/5 Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Simon Hammett schrieb:
>>>> On windows you can call GetModuleFileName which retrieves the fully
>>>> qualified path to the dll/exe
>>>> in which the calling function resides.
>>> Sadly no, it returns the path to firefox.exe, already tried that.
>> The only way I can think of that GetModuleFileName would fail is if
>> people start moving code around in memory. Seems unlikely firefox
>> would do that.
>> Try EnumProcessModules then to get the module handle to your dll.
>> Then you can use GetModuleFileName with the correct handle.
> I´ll have to stop working on that till tonight. Maybe you could give me a
> code-snippet, I am no expert-windows-api-programmer, I prefer using
> wxWidgets.


That's the doc for the function and there is example code linked to as well.

If you ever need info for windows programming, always check out msdn.
Not a big fan of MS, but their documentation is usually pretty good;
once you can work out what they've called the feature you are
interested in is called anyway.

The truth is out there. Usually in header files.
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