Well, this may be something in the far future, but why not. Robert may answer 
this too :)
Anyway, ideas are always welcome.

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine - http://pvle.sourceforge.net/

Le Tue, 09 Dec 2008 23:20:13 +0100, Yanling Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> Maybe a little bit off topic... Is OSG certificate a good idea? Just like
> Sun Java certificate, cisco certificate and/or microsoft certificates.
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Sukender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all, hi Robert,
>> As requested (and as expected), I start another thread about funding /
>> hiring employees / an OSG staff.
>> (Reference:
>> http://lists.openscenegraph.org/pipermail/osg-users-openscenegraph.org/2008-December/020389.html)
>> Before I start answering Robert, I'd like to say building up an OSG team
>> sounds *very* interesting for *all* OSG users since it would increase the
>> quality and the power on various aspects, and increase the visibility, and
>> finaly making OSG the unavoidable reference library for scene graph (and
>> more).
>> (Note: by "visibility", I mean working on a "marketing / advertisment"
>> aspect)
>> I really trust OSG, especially knowing that it's actively
>> developped/supported and that there is a strong community around it.
>> The problem is: how can a team be set up? Thread is opened.
>> > It would nice if we could raise the money for a team, but I don't
>> > think one could do it out of donations.  We are talking about need to
>> > raise $USD 50k to 100k a year to bring on dedicated staff, I can't
>> > image us pulling in this type of donation each year.
>> That's true. But maybe donations could be a begining? I'm thinking about
>> donations because it can bring the starter point of something bigger. And
>> maybe a part-time job to help you could do it at first?
>> I'll send another mail about donations: I'll make a kind of poll to try to
>> know how much money the community can bring to the project. That would be
>> interesting and give you some clues about the fact that building a team is
>> possible or not from donations.
>> > For fixed such
>> > salary costs you need a regular income to pay it, which points to a
>> > subscriptions model.
>> >
>> > Support contracts would fit the requirement of regular income [...]
>> Well, I'm not really in favor of a subscriptions model, but it depends on
>> how it is made.
>> A very important point for me is that the community must *not* be weakened:
>> I strongly disagree to "kidnap" the whole community and say "hello folks!
>> It's time to pay!", even if that happens elsewhere.
>> However, there can be subscriptions and support contracts that don't weaken
>> the community. I don't have much ideas at this moment, but that could be
>> things like:
>> - Subscriptions to an IM/voice support.
>> - Consulting/expertise (well, as you already do I suppose).
>> - On-demand tailor-made binaries generation.
>> - On-demand tailor-made OSG extensions/customisations.
>> - [Put your ideas here].
>> All of these require a team to work. So I guess that it will not be
>> possible before "step 2" or 3 of an "OSG development plan". Again, that
>> points to "step 1: donations". Creating a team surely requires to be done
>> step by step.
>> > What is more practical is leveraging a bit
>> > of time from a number of different osg users.  This is effectively
>> > what we do right now, although not always as effectively and
>> > consistently as is desirable
>> As I said before, the community is a (the?) great value of OSG. But maybe
>> these generous volunteers have to be managed a bit by another volunteer? I
>> mean a kind of admin that only tries to follow what has to be done, what is
>> done, who does it... and so on. I guess this would not take much time. Maybe
>> I can help on that point if you wish, since I'm not an OSG expert and thus
>> not able to help on other points.
>> To sum up:
>> - Manage volunteers
>> - Get money from donations
>> - Hire someone (even a part-time job)
>> - Do some marketing / advertisment (I have a few ideas on that too!)
>> - Make more contracts and paid supports
>> - Hire another guy
>> - Begin to make systematic binaries builds, tests, 3rdParty maintenance and
>> distribution...
>> - Go ahead...
>> Does that sounds possible/correct/logical to you?
>> Sincerely,
>> Sukender
>> PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
>> http://pvle.sourceforge.net/
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