Hi Robert,

Seeing your answer, it seems that I was not as clear as I should have been. 
Well, about blogs, that's okay.
But about gaming industry, I was just saying that advertising/marketing towards 
game developpers should be interesting. For now, I have the impression that 
some of them fear OSG as if it was too complex, or not enough game-oriented for 
them (which is wrong, IMHO).
When I said that "Quick-and-dirty" would happen, I was talking about what some 
people may code (in general), but not about core-OSG code. Only clean and 
general-purpose code should be merged, as usual: I was not saying that 
quick-and-dirty should be merged.
I began using OSG since 0.9.x (I remember how the wait until 1.0 was 
terrible!): I of course saw what has been achieved and think (as many) that the 
direction is the right one. I'm not trying to *change* OSG, I'm just trying to 
open discussions about what could be interesting for game devs or game engine 
devs, and thus for OSG.

And about management, I was not talking about management *of the project* but 
of some contributions, I'm terribly sorry if I seemed unpleasant.
I was simply saying that some contributors are willing to build binaries, test 
things and do other tasks, and these short-terms tasks could be tracked on a 
public chart (or something like that) in order to prevent doing the same thing 
twice, and motivate some to fill the chart (well at least me!). I've done a 
draft on the wiki's sandbox for binaries builds: 
http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/SandBox/ContributorBuilds . 

Off-topic question: is it possible to change the HTML title, META keywords and 
descriptions in the wiki?

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine - http://pvle.sourceforge.net/

Le Thu, 11 Dec 2008 16:17:03 +0100, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> a 

> Hi Sukender,
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Sukender <suky0...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Blogging can be an idea too... but to be effective, it has to be made on 
>> blogs/pages that have a relatively hight importance for search engines, I 
>> guess. The problem is then the same as adverts, isn't it?
> You can't have an important blog till you start writing it...  If we
> link to the OSG related blogs from the OSG website, and to each others
> blogs then one could probably hike up the visibility.  Search engines
> are so good these days that if you write stuff people are interested
> in it'll be found.
>> Okay, so surely the *cross-platform* game market has to be infiltrated 
>> ("Don't create a game from scratch and for only one platform! Use OSG to cut 
>> your costs by 50% and increase your target clients by 25%!"... :) ). Maybe 
>> that way we would get some contributors that care about doing things that 
>> are well designed and that can be integrated into OSG? I mean 
>> "quick-and-dirty" game-oriented node kits (or plugins/etc.) would certainly 
>> be created, but only the most used and best designed and general-purpose 
>> ones would be candidates for integration (as usual).
> Quick-and-dirty has it's place, but it's not something I would like to
> encourage for the core OSG.  There items that are merged that are far
> from mature, but these have to show the promise of maturing quickly
> into something robust, useful and in keeping with the overall OSG
> design.
> If you want Quick-and-dirty then the community pages are the place for
> such prototype work.
> I believe the industry is moving in the direction of areas that the
> OSG is strong in - cross platform development, threading,
> multi-context, imersive vis (stereo monitors etc), flexibility,
> interoperability and software quality.  We have all this going for us,
> we shouldn't need to compromise on the quality to just tick a few
> extra boxes on some managers/engineers feature list.
> The is also the factor that OSG is not a stationary target, the
> community is constantly improving existing codes and adding new
> features, this is all done with little shake up of existing features.
> In the earliest days the OSG had very few features of note yet some
> pretty big companies adopted it because it what was there was well
> engineered and it showed promise, such adoption happened when the OSG
> was still in alpha (0.8.x days).
> Once you've been around the OSG for a while you'll probably appreciate
> the steady progress that has been achieved year after year.  In the
> end one doesn't actually need to focus so much on snazzy features is
> you make sure that your foundations are solid.
>> I think the same. But I also think that growing the community, even with 
>> good talents, will certainly be a hard task if there is nobody to manage a 
>> little bit the efforts of the generous volunteers, as said before.
> Certainly managing the OSG is no walk in park, but there certainly is
> not a lack of management where management is possible.  Please
> remember I'm bit of veteran of managing open source projects now, I've
> been doing full-time for the last 7 and half years, running a
> successful free software business.  Over the years I've seen plenty of
> contributors with lots of latest/greatest ideas.  Some we've
> implemented, some were pie in the sky, some were idiotic.
>> In the meantime, I think I'll start a thread about search engines 
>> visibility; no objections to that? :)
> No objection, but I'd rather code than go discussing things to death.
> Robert.
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