Hi Robert,

I agree with your rationale over warnings etc.

In this instance the Windows build is now broken due to aggressive

Well, it wasn't really broken, just building *really* slowly due to thousands of warnings being printed (probably hundreds for each source file, since they all include mostly the same headers).

Clearly this big step backwards and isn't viable, so we'll
need to pull back on the warnings levels under Windows, the suggestion
of /W3 seems a reasonable compromise so I've just change the VS
aggressive warning CmakeLists.txt script path to use this.  An svn
update will get this change.

Just to be sure, this is a Windows-only path right? To be clear:

A) Did you set OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS to OFF on Windows but ON everywhere else?

B) Or did you set the flag to /W3 when OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS is ON?

I think option A is better, since then people who want to use more aggressive warnings (and can accept the consequences) still have that option. Option B simply makes the flag the same whether OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS is ON or OFF, so the option has no use on Windows...

Could VS users please do an svn update and see how the build now fares?

I'll do this in a few minutes.


Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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