Hi Art,

I must admit I'm not familiar with the Ticket system.  I use Tracs in
a very basic way.  Perhaps it's time to learn...

I am rather wary of using instigating a bug tracking system as
sometimes they can be misused for feature request, and can create a
barrier in direct communication.  I got burned by bug tracking systems
in the past, where is caused far more work than it helped so have
avoided them since.  The Ticket system may well avoid the pitfalls.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Art Tevs <stud_in...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> why making the life harder than it already is :) I mean making Wiki for Bug 
> resolutions, which can be done with the Ticket system as well. I think using 
> tickets will be an easier way than using the wiki. You only have to connect 
> the ticket system with the mailing list and acitvate it, then we all will 
> recieve a bug message as soon as somebody create a new ticket.
> Even more, I could catch up tickets sent to the mailing list and represent 
> them in the forum marked in a certain way. This will make even the life of 
> forum users easier, because they could directly see what happens with new 
> bugs without checking the Wiki-Page. Thus we will have everything in one 
> place, without loosing any new bugs/resolutions.
> cheers,
> art
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://osgforum.tevs.eu/viewtopic.php?p=5231#5231
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