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Robert Osfield wrote:
> Hi Art,
> I must admit I'm not familiar with the Ticket system.  I use Tracs in
>  a very basic way.  Perhaps it's time to learn...
> I am rather wary of using instigating a bug tracking system as 
> sometimes they can be misused for feature request, and can create a 
> barrier in direct communication.  

The usual way to deal with this is that a bug tracker has categories and
severities for "bugs". E.g Mandriva's Bugzilla has a severity "wishlist"
for a new feature request - it makes it easy to track these as well and
things will not fall through the cracks. They are not bugs in the
original sense of the word, but the system works well for them too.
Certainly beats keeping track of all that manually in some file, where
noone else can see it or some kind of unstructured Wiki page.

Regarding the direct communication - I do not see where the barrier
could be. Just send an e-mail to the reporter. If you mean the
discussion that can occur (and frequently does) under the individual
items in the bug tracker instead on a mailing list, I think that is
valuable info for whoever tries to fix the bug - everything is in one
place. Mandriva usually does both - the bug gets described on Bugzilla,
then people comment and discuss it on the list and additional info is
added to the bug description, sometimes with links to the list archives
when mails are referenced. That is why it is important to have a link
between the bug tracker and a mailing list, where new bug reports are
cc-d - so that people are kept aware of new things being reported
without having to search for them.

> I got burned by bug tracking
> systems in the past, where is caused far more work than it helped so
> have avoided them since.  The Ticket system may well avoid the
> pitfalls.

I think it comes down to the way the tool is used - set some rules and
policies (like with the patch submission protocol) and it will work.


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