Hi Jeremy,

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Jeremy Moles <jer...@emperorlinux.com> wrote:
> I'm confused by this thread somewhat--what exactly is going on? Is OSG
> adopting some external management software for bug tracking and what
> not, or are we discussing the possibility thereof?

It's just ended up being another me-too thread... lots of suggestions,
little action...

Nothing is happening on introducing new systems.  For OSG-2.8 we'll
stick with osg-users for reporting bugs and resolve them as usual, and
posting details on these bugs and their resolution on the usual
BugResolution page.

Once OSG-2.8 we can discuss the possibility of introducing an formal
system for issue tracking.

Job now is to getting everything ready for OSG-2.8 and make it as best we can.

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