Hi All,

I have the following error (pls see end of email) when I tried to load dae file 
with osgviewer I compiled with collada-dom  version 2.2.0.  It was compiled on 
a RHEL 5.3 linux variation (simular to centos) with boost 1.33 installed in 
/usr. But I am not using boost 1.33 but using boost 1.38 and collada-dom 
makefile is modified to point to my boost 1.38 compilation directory by adding 
the following lines to line 12 of the make/dom.mk file.

includeOpts := -Iinclude -Iinclude/$(colladaVersion)
includeOpts += 
libOpts += 

I also tried 2.8.1-rc3 with similar error. I cannot find a way to specify boost 
location in the cmake and I also cannot uninstall boost 1.33 from the machine. 

Any help is much appreciated.



Linux version is 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5
compiler is 4.1.2
arch is x86_64

=== error message===
[...@vis MINI X-Wing]$ osgviewer MINI\ X-Wing.dae
Warning: dynamic library 
 exists, but an error occurred while trying to open it:
 undefined symbol: _ZN5boost6system19get_system_categoryEv
Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "MINI X-Wing.dae".
osgviewer: No data loaded

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