Bob Youmans wrote:

regarding matrixmanipulators, almost all the example have TrackBallManipulator 
as the view's manipulator, separater from the cameras.  So, if i have an update 
callback on a camera to set its (and its slave) position and orientation, how 
does that interact with a trackballmanipulator.

Typically, you don't want to have both a manipulator and an update callback controlling the camera.

 can i remove it from the view and add it back? can i easily toggle on/off the 
trackballmanipulator, so i can control programmatic vs user control of these 
master/slave cameras?  that would be really nice.

If you look at the osgviewer source, there's an example of how to switch between manipulators on the fly using a KeySwitchMatrixManipulator. Instead of an update callback, you can also just write a simple matrix manipulator to control the camera in the way you described earlier. Then you'll be able to switch between them pretty easily.


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