Hi Nico,

As Jason notes the frame loop is under your control so you can just
add you own call yourself in your own frame loop.  Another alternative
is to subclass from the Viewer and override the updateTraversals()
method, another solution would be to subclass from osg::Operation and
then attach you Operation to the Viewer using

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Nico Kruithof<n...@nghk.nl> wrote:
> Hello,
> Say I would like to call a (global) update function every frame (not
> directly associated with a node), just before the update of all scene
> graph objects. How would I go about? Is there a call back function in
> osgViewer that I missed? Or should I make a new root node that gets
> called before all other nodes?
> Bests,
> Nico Kruithof
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