Hi Patrick,

Patrick Shinpaugh schrieb:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use non power of two textures with OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0.
> Loading them into Texture2D and allowing them to be converted to power
> of two works fine - converts from 1024x683 to 1024x512 and displays as
> expected. When I set setResizeNonPowerOfTwoHint(false) then the texture
> no longer displays and if I replace Texture2D with TextureRectangle the
> texture does not display. I am using a Nvidia GeForce 9500 with both
> GL_ARB_texture_rectangle and GL_NV_texture_rectangle so I assume it
> should work.

I have no experience with NPOT Texture2D, but...

if you are using TextureRectangle, be sure to provide tex-coords in
pixel-space, not normalized tex-coords. So with your example use 1024 /
683 instead of 1.0.

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