James Buckthorpe wrote on Monday, June 29, 2009 1:25 PM:
> Yes I am already using the osgUtil::PolytopeIntersector to work out
> the object is inside the FOV. However I am finding that the list of
> intersections includes my node of interest regardless of whether it
has been
> culled or not due to another object or objects being in the way.   
> How do I go about check whether the object has been culled?. My
attempts to
> use the CullVisitor (as above) failed. 

In general with OpenGL (and including OpenSceneGraph) there is no
culling based on whether other objects are in the way (the depth buffer
handles this), unless you use occluders (see for example
osg::OccluderNode and osg::OcclusionQueryNode; perhaps those will help

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
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