Hi all --

I have some funding to capture OSG's OpenGL calls. This is required for development, debugging, and performance analysis work that I am currently contracted for. I have already ruled out updating GLIntercept for this purpose.

Purchasing gDEBugger is a possibility. However, the upfront cost is large, and the lack of control in this closed-source tool is undesirable. Most of my work is OSG-related, so I have little need for gDEBugger's general OpenGL analysis capability.

This brings me to the point of my post: adding OpenGL capture directly to OSG.

My idea so far is to take a private snapshot of OSG, then modify it so that all OpenGL calls go through function wrappers (many do already) or a CPP macro. By default, the call would go straight into OpenGL, but a developer could enable instrumentation through CMake so that OSG captures OpenGL command info before calling into OpenGL. This would record the call to a log, allow breakpoints, record timing data, capture texture image data and shader source to files, any number of things, really, but essentially the capabilities found in GLIntercept.

The capture would be thread safe and support multiple contexts. Support for new OpenGL features and extensions would be trivial; the OpenGL wrapper code would be automatically generated from gl.h or extension header files, so just drop in the enum defs and function declarations and rebuild.

Initially, my inclination was to do this on my own, basically make my own private instrumented branch of OSG. But then I realized that there are other benefits that this change could bring to OSG, and it might be worth folding into the source.

Consider how OSG currently calls into OpenGL. OSG might call OpenGL directly, or load and call through a function pointer, or call into a function wrapper that manages a function pointer. When OSG does call through a function pointer or into a function wrapper, the code for doing this is scattered in multiple classes, headers, and source files (e.g., GL2Extensions, FrameBufferObject, etc). Adding OpenGL capture to OSG would give us a chance to unify this code and make it consistent. Access to all OpenGL commands would go through a single class, and done consistently through a CPP macro or function wrapper. This would be a good code cleanup.

Plus, I also thought there might be others besides myself that wanted to capture OpenGL command streams. It's really quite a valuable development tool.

Because this might have value for many developers, I am posting here for discussion. If the community is interested, I am willing to work with others to satisfy requirements. If the community is not interested, I'll either do my own private branch or purchase gDEBugger.
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
_http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <http://www.skew-matrix.com/>
+1 303 859 9466

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