Hello Agostinho,

I don’t know why, but CMake just doesn’t create the project file for the 
“osgIntrospection” library.
So that lib is never created, and my program won’t even compile without it.

If you need osgIntrospection, then you need to activate the CMake option called BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS. Then CMake will generate the appropriate project which will be part of the OpenSceneGraph.sln solution and you'll be able to build it.

If you don't activate that option, CMake will not generate the project. This is also the case for examples (BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES) and so on. This is done because not everyone wants to build all the projects (libraries, applications, examples, introspection support, plugins, packaging, documentation, etc.).

2. Then I used the “OSGCONV” utility, to try to convert my OSG file to 3ds, but 
it crashes in windows (both XP and 7)! :-(

3DS write support is still fairly recent, but is being actively developed still. Sukender (who wrote it) may be able to help, but your best bet is to run osgconv (built in debug configuration) in Visual Studio with the same command line arguments and get a stack trace for where it crashes. With the call stack you may be able to see why it crashes, and if you post it here it will give us a better idea of what happens. Just saying that it crashes doesn't really help. Also providing an example file that makes it crash can really help Sukender debug it with you.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
osg-users mailing list

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