
I had switched back to the other osgEarth to continue development, and now that 
I switch forward to 1.3 again... No crash. *sigh* Don't you just hate when code 
fixes itself on the sly? Now it'll always bug me that there's a crash in there 
still waiting to happen...

If I can get it to repeat again, I'll try to gram a stack trace. Though we're 
only running with binaries of osg and osgEarth, so I can't trace into them with 
the current project setup. That may change in the future.

So I guess now my only problem is the adjustment of the frustum values to 
change the camera's perspective towards a more human scale. Or just figuring 
out how to create a new frustum that doesn't grossly distort everything...

 ~ Chris Innanen
 ~ Nonsanity

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