Hi Raymond,

I remember it was tricky to build with the old version of sdk (2003), i
guess you can find information with google. But i recommand you to build
it with recent version of plateform sdk.


Provide OpenGL services around OpenSceneGraph and more
+33 659 598 614 Cedric Pinson mailto:cedric.pin...@plopbyte.net

On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 17:44 +0100, Raymond de Vries wrote:
> Hi, most likely Cedric and/or Jason (Beverage),
> I would like to try out your directshow plugin in svn, and now I am in 
> the process of building the BaseClasses of the windows platform sdk. 
> Although I've searched the net and the platform sdk docs, I cannot see 
> how I can produce a release version of the BaseClasses (the debug 
> version is built properly, so it seems). Can anymore please give me some 
> advice how to do that? Cedric? Jason?
> I am using Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2007) and Microsoft Platform 
> SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2, using Visual Studio 2008. I tried to 
> build the strmbase.lib by running nmake in the Visual Studio command 
> prompt but then it only builds the debug version. Should I hack the 
> makefile or is there another way?
> Thanks a lot already, cheers
> Raymond
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