Hi guys,

First of all, thanks a lot for your quick reply! As it turned out, I also had a more recent platform sdk on my system (win vista). Out of habit I just installed the older one on each system I develop on... And I had build the baseclasses once (long time ago) using the makefile...

Thanks for your advice. I just built the BaseClasses and now building osg svn, including directshow :-) Finders crossed...

I will try out the windows 7 sdk on my windows 7 machine soon too.

Jason, ok, I understand it. Indeed I found your message from a while ago. I only saw Cedric's name in the cmake module, so that's why I thought you joined efforts. So thanks Cedric!

One more thing for now: do I have (easy) access to the 'current image' via the plugin?

I will let you know how it goes...


Jason Beverage wrote:
Hi Raymond,

Just wanted to give credit to Cedric for the osg DirectShow plugin, I
had sent out an email quite awhile about about public interest in an
open sourced Direct Show plugin but never got around to releasing one.
 Kudos to Cedric for beating me to the punch :)



On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Trajce Nikolov
<nikolov.tra...@gmail.com> wrote:
the latest windows sdk has the project files for all the configuration.
build against it


On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Raymond de Vries <ree...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
Hi, most likely Cedric and/or Jason (Beverage),

I would like to try out your directshow plugin in svn, and now I am in the
process of building the BaseClasses of the windows platform sdk. Although
I've searched the net and the platform sdk docs, I cannot see how I can
produce a release version of the BaseClasses (the debug version is built
properly, so it seems). Can anymore please give me some advice how to do
that? Cedric? Jason?

I am using Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2007) and Microsoft Platform SDK
for Windows Server 2003 R2, using Visual Studio 2008. I tried to build the
strmbase.lib by running nmake in the Visual Studio command prompt but then
it only builds the debug version. Should I hack the makefile or is there
another way?

Thanks a lot already, cheers

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