Hi Tom,

Another solution would be to subclass from osgViewer::Viewer and add
your own removeEventHandler method, then once you move to 3.0 you'll
just be able to drop your own Viewer class or just remove the method,
and optional compile would even let you build against 2.9.x/3.0 and
2.8.x without difficulty.


On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Tom Pearce <tmpea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I think the solution of having a GUIEventHandler through Viewer to capture 
> and pass along all events will be the way I go.
> I was trying to have various users on our end write their own event handlers 
> based on their needs, and be able to swap from one to the other on the fly 
> depending on the context of the application.  I noticed there was no 
> removeEventHandler method in 2.8.2, and I saw a thread mentioning that this 
> method has been added in the recent dev releases.  However, we won't be 
> changing versions until 3.0, so I was trying to get around it another way.  
> Adding a second layer of event handler - one attached to Viewer to pass 
> events through, and the user-written one accessing that information - should 
> do the trick without ever having to change the handler that Viewer sees.
> Thanks for your input - helpful as always!
> Cheers,
> Tom
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