Hi Thomas,

> I'm not sure of what form this method needs to take yet.. will do some
> further thinking on the topic.

I have settled upon a new SubloadCallback method:

        class OSG_EXPORT SubloadCallback : public Referenced

                virtual bool textureObjectValid(const Texture2D&
texture, State& state) const
                    return texture.textureObjectValid(state);



And a new Texture2D helper method,
Texture2D::textureObjectValid(State&) that can be used by the
SubloadCallback as above with the default implementation, or by
osg::Texture2D::apply() itself to tell whether any modifications to
the Texture2D's Image will mean that the TextureObject needs
discarding and a new one to be created.

This change is now checked into svn/trunk.  Since the default
behaviour of the callback and Texture2D is the same as before this
won't fix your example, to fix the example one simple adds:

        virtual bool textureObjectValid(const osg::Texture2D& ,
osg::State&) const
            return true;

To the NPOTResizeCallback.  Changes example attached.

I haven't rolled this change out to other Texture classes yet as I
want the new methods to be tested properly first.

Thomas could you test out svn/trunk and let me know how you get on.

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