Hi Glen,

The solution you are explaining sounds far too complicated for what is
actually needed.  I can't see why a pre-render FBO camera would be
required, unless Scaleform is using OpenGL.

The normal way to implement video textures with the OSG is to subclass
from osg::ImageStream as the ffmpeg, quicktime plugins do.  Each of
these plugins creates it's own thread to manage the video reading and
writng to the image.  On the OSG rendering side the OSG simply
downloads to the texture when the image is dirtied - there isn't any
need for compicated interaction of the threads.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Glen Swanger <glen.swan...@jhuapl.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some questions concerning the best approach to update textures using a 
> pre-render FBO camera.  First I want to provide a little background before my 
> questions.
> For the project I'm working on I've been integrating a 3rd party vendor 
> product (Scaleform) into OpenSceneGraph to pre-render Flash swf movies to 
> texture, which are then mapped to objects in the main scene.  I have this 
> successfully working in a prototype along with in-world mouse events being 
> sent to the swf movies to interact with the Flash content.  The Flash movies 
> I need to render update at a reasonable slow rate (10 fps) relative to the 
> main scene render frame rate so I'm able to render just one Flash movie per 
> render loop cycle to minimize the impact on performance.  I may be cycling 
> through up to six different Flash movies at the same time and the textures 
> that are the targets will probably include the following sizes (256x256, 
> 512x512, 1024x1024 and possibly 2048x2048 (rarely)).  Also, I've derived a 
> class from osg::Drawable which encapsulates the Flash movie rendering using 
> Scaleform in the drawImplementation.  An instance of this class is attached 
> to an instance of
>  an osg::Geode which is then added as a child to the pre-render camera as the 
> render scene.
> To my questions:
> Is it possible to use one pre-render camera which uses an fbo target 
> implementation, then during a render loop cycle perform the following steps: 
> (1) remove the last Flash movie geode child from the camera, (2) detach the 
> last target texture, (3) set the viewport size based on the next target 
> texture size, (4) attach the next target texture and finally (5) add the next 
> Flash movie geode as a child to the camera in order to set up the camera for 
> rendering the next movie?
> Or, would it be better (or necessary) to have separate pre-render cameras for 
> each texture size, then attach the next target texture and Flash movie geode 
> to the appropriate camera for rendering?
> Finally, where would be the best place to insert the updates to the camera(s) 
> prior to rendering the actual movie during each cycle, Update callback, 
> PreDraw callback, ...?
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Cheers,
> Glen Swanger
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=40055#40055
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