Hi Torben,
I've managed to build the NVTT plugin using that download, but now I'm still a 
bit stumped. The plugin and NVTT api seems to work, but it all seems geared 
towards compression rather than decompression.
I was hoping that I would be able to use it like:

osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::ImageProcessor> processor = 
processor->compress(osgImage, osg::Texture::USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, false, 
false, osgDB::ImageProcessor::USE_GPU, osgDB::ImageProcessor::NORMAL);

i.e. with second parameter with an uncompressed format. But this doesn't really 
work because the input image appears to be required to be in uncompressed RGB 
or RGBA.
In fact, looking at the nvtt.h header file the ONLY option for input format 
appear to be BRGA_8UB,  and the plugin always converts to that assuming that 
input osg image is RGB or RGBA, and makes a "dogs breakfast" of anything else.

Ho hum... any more thoughts?


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