Thanks for the advice, much obliged.  

Jason Daly wrote:
> On 03/06/2012 11:58 AM, Ethan Fahy wrote:
> > Thanks for the info guys.  I'll have to think about the best way forward a 
> > bit.  I'm still hesitant to add generic vertex attributes just because it 
> > seems like it would add to a given node's memory usage and since I don't 
> > use the node's color values for anything other than lookup table purposes I 
> > might as well store stuff in those colors since everything I draw is going 
> > to have to have memory allocated for colors no matter what.  I would also 
> > like to think that the code I'm writing will always be used on newer 
> > GeForce cards, I don't think that I can know that for certain as it would 
> > ultimately be distributed to some not-so-powerful computers to run on.
> > 
> I understand your hesitance.  Most of the tutorials are written with the 
> more traditional vertex attributes, and when you're just starting out, 
> it can be simpler to think in those terms.  If it works for you, then by 
> all means, go with it.
> As you continue to learn, though, I'd just encourage you to keep in mind 
> that modern cards don't have any distinction between different kinds of 
> vertex attributes anymore.  Every attribute, whether it's labeled 
> "normals", "colors", "texture coordinates", or whatever, is simply a 
> per-vertex value that is used by the vertex shader (there's always a 
> vertex shader running under the hood, even if you don't specify your own).
> --"J"
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