So I tried writing my osg Node object to an osg file at various points during 
my code to compare the differences.  What I noticed was that if I attach the 
program to the geometry stateset while in my nodevisitor, that the properties 
of the geometry stateset will replace those of the geode stateset.  I was 
putting all of my shader program stuff in the geode stateset.  Since my 
geometry stateset where I attached my program had a default num_shader of 0, I 
think the shaders were being ignored even though they were in the geode's 
stateset.  So, I tried attaching the program from my nodevisitor to the geode 
instead of the geometry, but then when i go to add my shader program to the 
geode stateset, the nodevisitor program and stateset get overwritten. I need to 
somehow make sure that my generic vertex attribute program does not get 
overwritten when I attach my shader program.  I think it's probably time for me 
to revisit some osg documentation at this point...

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