On 03/26/2012 09:03 AM, Michael Schanne wrote:

I want to use OSG to create an overlay where I have different symbols marking certain 
points in my scene.  I want these symbols to remain a constant size in screen 
coordinates until crossing certain thresholds (for example, they are size A when at a 
distance<  X from the camera, then change to size B once distance>  X).  It’s a 
little different than a HUD because I want the symbols to move as I pan the camera, 
so that they stay at the same world coordinates.  I am using an orthographic 
projection where the camera is directly overhead in the Z direction, and it will only 
pan in the X-Y plane.

I took a look at the OverlayNode class, but the description didn’t sound like 
what I wanted.  The LOD class sounded more like what I need, so I could switch 
between multiple sized children based on the camera distance, but I’m still not 
quite sure how to make each child have a constant size within its camera 
distance range.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

Hi, Michael,

There's not an existing OSG construct that will do exactly what you want, but you might take a look at AutoTransform to see if you can build what you want based on that.


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