Hi Robert,

> > On 2 April 2012 14:21, Frederic Bouvier <fredlis...@free.fr> wrote:
> >> may I ask how a camera can inherit the viewpoint of a sister (slave) 
> >> camera ?
> >> Or does it inherit the viewpoint of the master camera ?
> >
> >The OSG inherits state/settings from parents, there isn't any sibling
> >inheritance.
> One more thing: it happens that I implement cascaded shadow map with a single 
> shadow map and 4 cascades. My scenegraph is like this :
> master camera
> => slave shadow camera (hold an fbo on a S x S depth texture)
>    => cascade1 : child camera, viewport (S/2 x S/2 @ 0, 0)
>    => cascade2 : child camera, viewport (S/2 x S/2 @ 0, S/2)
>    => cascade3 : child camera, viewport (S/2 x S/2 @ S/2, 0)
>    => cascade4 : child camera, viewport (S/2 x S/2 @ S/2, S/2)
> I want to know if the inherited viewpoint is propagated to the cascade camera 
> if I set the reference frame of the main shadow camera and the 4 cascades to 

to complement the question, I am asking myself if the code in 
line 972 of SceneView.cpp (v3.0.1) that reads :


is right. It seems to ignore the reference frame settings of the slave camera 
assume ABSOLUTE_RF. Should I manually set the viewpoint of my main shadow 
camera ?
and how ?

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