S2LR wrote:
> Hi,
> As others have pointed out, OSG is not a game engine. It's a scene graph and 
> should be used in this context (no pun intended). There are plenty of 
> rendering technologies that use OSG under the hood. When I went to IITSEC 
> last year, there were a lot of vendors using OSG underneath for rendering.
> In terms of gaming, take a look at Delta3D which is an open source gaming 
> engine using OSG technology...
> http://www.delta3d.org/
> -Shayne


Being new to OSG, I might miss something but I can’t see the difference between 
OSG  and Delta3D.
OSG can have several tools (VRPN as does delta3D), audio (osgAudio vs. openAL 
for delta3D), physics (osgODE vs. ODE for delta3D), GUI (osgQt), animation 
(osgCal & osgAnimation vs. cal3D for Delta3D).
By adding these stuffs, if I am not wrong, is OSG becoming like a full game 
engine (equivalent to delta3D)?

I found even some old discussions between people on the forum (pro-delta3D) not 
agreeing, for example, to add audio to osg since this is scenegraph, etc.

What is the difference between these two opensource (I mean, once these tools 
added) ? What would be your advice for a newbie to delta3D/OSG ?

Thank you,


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