HI Clement,

On 4 May 2012 19:30,  <clement....@csiro.au> wrote:
>   Thanks again for your reply.  I am a bit confused on using color map.  I 
> would like my program to support at least 8 bit color, so how should I create 
> the color map?  Where can I find more information?  osgvolume.cpp does not 
> have much details related to color map.

You just assign colours to the TransferFunction1D. Go have a look at
the API, the osgvolume.cpp provides code that does it.  This stuff
should be realtively straightforward to infer from the code you have
in front of you.  If you are struggling then perhaps it's time you
went back to basics a bit more w.r.t OpenGL and C++ as none of this is
particular advanced.   I'm happy to point you in the right direction,
but it's really not my place to teach you how to program computer
graphics applications.

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