Hi Jordi,

On 9 May 2012 18:34, Jordi Torres <jtorresfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I missed to say that I tried to respect the authory of the articles migrated
> from the old webpage, or for example de Debbuging tips (from Paul Martz).
> But there are some cases where I didnt know who was the author.

I've been out of the loop for 9 days thanks to me trip, hows things
progressing?  I'll busy with client work and generally catching up
this week, but next week I plan to put time aside for diving back into
the new website work.  On my trip I read a few more chapters of Joomla
2.5 Beginner's Guide, didn't read too many as it's pretty dull reading
when you don't have a computer in front of you to experiment with.  I
am getting a better grasp of what and how we can do things.

One thing I do wonder about is multi-lingual support, Joomla is
capable of it, and as a community I would guess we should be capable
for doing translation work, at least for all the main pages that users
will touch upon.  Thoughts everyone?

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