Hi Robert,

2012/5/2 Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>

> Hi Jordi, Thomas et. al,
> I think it would be worth us getting the main root elements of the
> website up and working fully and any the main extensions to Joomla
> installed that we'll need they do a wider call for feedback on how
> well it's working on different browsers/platforms and how different
> users are happy with things.  If things look good then we can start
> the full migration over.
Ok, maybe I was a little enthusiastic about going on. Anyway filling some
more sections will give us a better idea of how things will look.

> How to manage the full migration is a big question, both from a
> personnel level and the process involved.  I would suggest we have
> editors/publishers that review the web pages as they go in, and have
> various people with support for writing articles - I would guess there
> would be an overlap here.  We'd need to have different people
> responsible for different elements, and working list of pages that
> need to copied over from the original site, and what pages we have
> copied across that need further work.

Is it possible to get Tracs to list all the pages and their hierarchy?

 I'm thinking that if we could list then all we can publish a page
> with table of the pages and that status of moving it across.  I also
> wonder if we could leave breadcrumbs directly on new and original
> website that provide the appropriate links between the two pages and
> the status so that when others come along they can see how things are
> progressing.  Perhaps a little text at the top of each page would be
> appropriate.


Take a look to http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/TitleIndex .
Not all the sections have to be migrated, but here we have an idea of the
amount of work. If you want I can make a migration section in the new web
and add a table with links to the old server and the status of each section
(None /In progress/ Completed ).



> Robert.
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Jordi Torres Fabra

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Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial
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